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Arrangements to return to school

The next academic year dates are on our website.

Thursday, 1st Sept – Staff Development Day

Friday, 2nd September – Staff Development Day

School is closed for pupils and students on these days

Monday, 5th September – school opens at 8:30am for Years 7 and 12 only

Tuesday, 6th September  - school opens at 8:30am for all pupils

The buses will run to accommodate this.

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Year 7 Lunch on Monday 5th September

We will provide a free lunch to all Year 7 pupils on Monday 5th September and their cashless ID cards will be issued on Tuesday 6th September.  Year 7 pupils will be offered a meal deal consisting of a hot meal or sandwich, a cake and a drink.  Your daughter is welcome to bring a packed lunch on Monday 5th September if she would prefer that to one of the school provided options.

Pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals will continue to receive a daily allowance of £2.50 per day allowing them to purchase a meal deal at lunchtime.

Car Parking

We make a plea regarding parking outside of school and the potential dangers of parking in the red cycle lanes and on the ghost island. Please could you park around Sefton Park or on Linnet Lane and arrange for your child to walk to a designated spot or walk up to school to meet your daughter.  The area outside school is patrolled by the Police and Council Parking Wardens, so you may receive a parking ticket or penalty points if you park in one of these locations.