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Pastoral System

Each year group is organised in a very consistent fashion.  We have 6 form classes in Year 7 to Year 11 and usually between 3 to 4 in Years 12 and 13. 

Each form class is named in honour of a female saint .

Form time takes place each morning between 8.45 and 9.05am.  This time is invaluable in creating the best possible climate for learning for the day ahead.  Assembly for each year group takes place every week.

Each year group is led by a head of year and an assistant head of year.  These experienced professionals keep in regular contact with form tutors and subject teachers with the express intention of ensuring all students are safe, happy and have the correct attitude to learning. Form teachers also lead our daily acts of collective worship, so important to us as a catholic school.

Each key stage is supported by a member of the senior leadership team.  Mr I Withers is our KS3 lead and Mrs S Kelly is our KS4 lead.  Mr P Lucas is Director of Sixth Form ( KS5). 

As a school we strive to make Bellerive a school where bullying is eliminated completely, and on very rare those occasions it might happen that it is dealt with robustly.

Information on how we work to achieve this is contained in our Anti-Bullying Policy and Behaviour Policy, available to view in the policies section of our website.

If a parent is concerned that their child is being bullied, or perhaps in talking to their child believes another child may be being bullied they should contact the appropriate Head of Year in the first instance.