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Free School Meals

Our free school meal allowance is £2.80 per day and as an example your daughter could choose a meal deal at lunch and receive:

  • Freshly cooked hot meal or sandwich/deli sub, and;
  • Cupcake/slice of cake or a drink

Please note that the free school meal allowance is not available to spend at breaktime.  Drinking water is always available at breaktime.

To apply for Free School Meals please visit a OneStop Shop and apply via Liverpool City Council.  Even if you aren’t sure whether you are eligible or not please apply if you think that you might be.  


Pupil Premium

The other benefit of applying for Free School Meals is that the school can receive additional funding.  We receive an amount of £955 each year for each eligible student and this continues for up to six years, even if the student is no longer eligible for Free School Meals.

We use this additional funding to support your daughter and other children in her class.  Information about our strategy to spend Pupil Premium funding can be found on our website.  It is also used to subsidise the cost of school trips for relevant children.

We would encourage you to apply for Free School Meals even if your daughter intends to bring a packed lunch.  The additional funding provides much needed support for all girls at our school that is over and above what we can do using our mainstream funding from the Government.