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Reasons to Choose a Girls' School

There is a body of research which suggests that girls do learn differently from boys. Young women have a greater confidence and freedom in questioning and in expressing themselves. The experience young women have in girls' only settings develops courage and the experience to face the challenges ahead with confidence. This is the 'can-do' generation, and our single sex environment allows us to provide an education in which your daughter’s leadership and other strengths will blossom.

Girls who attend Girls' School Association girls' schools tend to achieve a disproportionately large share of the top grades.  For example, in 2019, the proportion of top A-star A grades at A level achieved by GSA students (53.1%) was more than twice the national average (25.2%) for England

Girls School Association


She will benefit from a focussed educational and community environment.

When a school does not have to accommodate both sexes, it simplifies the running and organisation of the school. The only focus is girls and their needs and activities.

Fewer distractions

The inherent distractions that occur when you mix boys and girls together in a mixed school just do not happen in a girls' only school. The social expectations and stereotypes can be broken down. Fewer distractions mean a girl can focus on being herself, finding out who she is, exploring new worlds, lines of thinking and so much more. She can think outside the box with relative impunity. And that is a good thing.

'Courage and confidence, but above all great confidence'

Marie Madeleine D'Houet (1781 - 1858)

Confidence & Resilience

Girls' schools support girls in building confidence and resilience, and at Bellerive we seek to develop this to the very highest levels. Developing courage and confidence is at the heart of our FCJ ethos.

Our foundress Marie Madeleine d'Houet encouraged all girls to have:

'Courage and confidence, but above all great confidence'

Our FCJ Foundress

Marie Madeleine

(1781- 1858)

At Bellerive we ensure that girls feel positive about themselves, can overcome challenges and have faith in their ability. We encourage our girls to take opportunities to shine both in and outside the classroom and celebrate their successes.  We create a unique and special environment where girls are provided with opportunities to step outside their comfort zone and take risks. Each girl is encouraged to find her passion and plan for her future.  This provides purpose and a positive attitude that will build self-belief and self-worth. Girls have the space in which their intellect, physicality, and confidence can grow. Our girls have the freedom to be who they want to be in our school and have the confidence to choose whatever educational opportunities they wish to.

Academic Achievement

Research has consistently shown that girls achieve more in single-sex schools. They make better decisions about their future and are not afraid to be seen to be clever. One of our school's values is Excellence and learning at Bellerive is uniquely tailored to each student's individual needs and girls from all academic abilities achieve very well.  A girls' school provides an environment where girls are free from social distractions and feel comfortable to display their intelligence and curiosity. Our teachers know how girls learn and have significant experience in this area.

 'Pupils and students value the support that they get from staff for their well-being'

Ofsted October 2021

Pastoral Care

Girls' schools can offer a specialist level of pastoral care specifically designed to address the needs of girls. Teaching and support staff understand the challenges that girls may face as they are growing up, and a support package is tailored to meet these needs. Whether the needs be medical, social or emotional, provision is tailored so that we are able to create a safe, caring and nurturing environment where our girls can flourish, develop and achieve. We want to support our girls' but we also want to develop resilience in them, so that they can be ready to face life's future challenges, whatever they may be!


Girls' schools prepare girls to become women who rise to the highest levels of leadership. Girls are taught and strive to become strong female leaders at Bellerive and there are many leadership opportunities. Students can be involved in Student Council, Student Senior Team or as leaders to our younger pupils.