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School Attendance Matters

After the disruption of 2020 and 2021 where bubbles, social distancing, mass testing, vaccinations and ‘Track and Trace’ all became part of our everyday lives, we are hopeful that this year will be a return to ‘normal’ with many opportunities for our students to celebrate success.

As a school we have seen first-hand, the disruption that isolation and social distancing has had on many of our students and their families. This has led to some pupils having significantly more time away from school than previously and this has had an inevitable impact on student well-being and progress.

Please read our Attendance Policy and Leaflet below:


If your child is going to be absent for school parents and carers are requested to complete the Pupil Leave of Absence Form in advance of the expected absence

With this in mind, Bellerive will be doing all we can to ensure that pupils are attending school every day. This will give them the best possible outcome and opportunities when leaving school and moving on in life as young adults. In 2023/24 we have implemented the approach outlined below to encourage good attendance:

  1. All parents/carers will regularly receive messages encouraging positive attendance routines or statistics relating to attendance.
  2. Parents/carers will be notified if their daughter’s attendance falls to 95%; our school expectation is that pupils have at least 97% attendance.
  3. If pupils have 3 or more days absence in one half-term a letter will be sent home requesting written evidence to explain your daughter's absence. You may be asked to attend a meeting in school to discuss any issues or barriers to your child attending school. Support will be offered if required.
  4. 5 or more days absence in one term may lead to a penalty notice warning period if you cannot provide significant evidence for your daughter’s absence. Any pupils with mental health concerns, should be supported with CAMHS involvement; advice on attendance would then be provided to school by the practitioner.
  5. If a Penalty notice does not improve attendance, Bellerive’s education welfare officer will become involved, and parents/carers could face prosecution.

Alongside Bellerive’s Pastoral Team, our Family Liaison Officer,  Kayte Walsh, is available to offer support to parents and pupils who may find themselves in any difficult circumstances.

Kayte is happy to offer advice and practical support to students and parents, with the aim of your child being able to attend school feeling happy, safe and comfortable. School will also be offering regular incentives to pupils who attend school every day and we look forward to all being allowed to celebrate their achievements together.