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The Bellerive Safeguarding team

The Bellerive Safeguarding team is comprised  of senior members of staff who take the lead in ensuring the safeguarding policy is adhered to and that all staff are trained in all matters relating to our statutory safeguarding duties.

Mr Ian Withers is the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

He is supported in the Safeguarding team by Mrs Dionne Thomas-Bates (Deputy Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Helen Taylor, Kayte Walsh and Mrs Pauline Edmondson

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2024-2025

Eating Disorders

Here are some links regarding recognition of an eating disorder for families, the referral process and helpful websites and helplines.

Eating disorders


Helplines - Beat

Beat provides Helplines offering support and information about eating disorders no matter where you are in your journey.

Alder Hey Eating Disorder Service for Young People (EDYS)

Alder Hey Eating Disorder Service for Young People is a team of professionals that provide assessment and treatment to young people when eating has become difficult

Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership

Merseyside Police have put together some resources to help reduce the risk to young people from child criminal exploitation.

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General advice

In today’s ever-changing society, there are many factors which can have an impact on our children’s physical and emotional well-being. Below are a range of links which may provide information and advice for parents/carers to help support young people who are dealing with a range of issues:

Here are some helpful resources from Liverpool CAMHS;

Liverpool CAMHS resources

YPAS have 3 different hubs across Liverpool, please look at the free Well-being services on thier website, they have many different services available as well as drop-in support:

YPAS services – online support for young people

We would like to remind you of the availability of our online service to support the wellbeing and resilience of your students.

Kooth is a web based confidential support service available to young people. Kooth provides a safe and secure means of accessing mental health and wellbeing support designed specifically for young people.

Kooth offers young people the opportunity to have a text-based conversation with a qualified counsellor. Counsellors are available from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays and 6pm to 10 pm at weekends, every day of the year on a drop-in basis. Young people can access regular booked online counselling sessions as needed. Outside counselling hours’ young people can message our team and get support by the next day.

When students register with Kooth they will have support available to them now and in the future. Support can be gained not only through counselling but articles, forums and discussion boards.  All content is age appropriate, clinically approved and fully moderated.

To find out more visit  where young people can register and others can find out more about the service.

You can also view a short video about the service at: is a free safe and anonymous online wellbeing platform, that is now available for adults in Liverpool (26+).

Qwell is commissioned in Liverpool by Public Health and is here to support adults in
Liverpool by providing a space to access professional support without long waiting lists or thresholds.

Adults can join online peer support communities, access self-help materials or engage in drop-in or booked one-to-one online chat sessions with our experienced counsellors.

To find out more, or to book an information session please contact:


Childline online support



Mental Health advice for parents

Young Minds


Online Safety

Links to other sources of information can be found below:

Some helpful articles can be found by accessing:

TikTok safety support

 Facebook privacy settings:

Other sources of online support


Self Harm

We would ask that parents/carers review children and young people’s access to on-line streaming sites including Netflix and other websites. It has come to our attention that some children may be accessing age inappropriate materials. For example, Netflix currently offers a series exploring teenage suicide which is rated 18 and should only be watched by adults. Watching this may well impact on a young person’s well-being especially if they are already low of mood.

We’d ask that parents take appropriate steps to safeguard their children so they are only accessing age appropriate materials. As always, parents should seek advice from their G.P. and school if they are concerned about their child’s emotional well-being and mental health.

The Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford has published a guide for parents on coping with their child’s self-harm which is based on their in-depth research with parents.

Further information: Coping with self harm: a guide for parents and carers (PDF)

Extremism and Radicalisation

Educate against hate provides guidance for parents to protect young people from extremism and radicalisation