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The College will always endeavour to stay open on the allocated days, in keeping with Liverpool LA policy and mindful of our obligations to our students and their parents/carers. However, it may be necessary in exceptional circumstances to close the college.

Such eventualities might be:

  • Very poor weather conditions;
  • No heating/electricity/water supply;
  • Medical epidemic;

And any other incident which the Head teacher and Governors deem would endanger the Health and Safety of staff and students. If we are forced to close, we would attempt to notify students of the decision for the following day before the end of lessons, and we would send out messages via our email list, text messaging and put a notice on the school website.

In the event of us being forced to close without having given prior warning, we would broadcast a message on local radio including ‘BBC Radio City’. We would also endeavour to place temporary closure notice on other local radio stations. This is in addition to text messaging and emailing using the InTouch system. We are also dependent on our school buses and whether it is safe for them to run. We are mindful of this in the decision regarding whether the school has to close early in the event of very poor weather conditions.

We would endeavour to have some staff in school, should some students turn up for the day or be unable to get home in the event of an unforeseen closure. As before, staff who can get to the College safely, should get to school to supervise students who did not receive the message. Staff will be contacted. All those required to contact colleagues must ensure that they always have up to date contact numbers.

Equality Statement: We have carefully considered the impact of this policy on all protected characteristics as part of our ongoing process to ensure that it is fair and does not prioritise or disadvantage any pupil. This is in line with the Equality Act 2010.