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Our theme for this year is "My Patchwork Quilt” 

‘A Patchwork Life’ is one made up of different parts of one’s self, all sewn together.  Memories, dreams and personal experiences are fused to make something unique……

Sometimes the patches fray, the stitching unravels and the squares no longer seem to fit. Together, all the different pieces tell the story of who we are.  

Life is like a patchwork quilt and each little piece is a memory.  It can be a funny moment or a difficult time that we’ve helped each other through.​  Year 8 are working together this year to make our own ‘patchwork quilt’ and make happy memories with each other. 

Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year and Form Tutors

Head of Year Mrs Rossiter

Assistant Head of Year Miss Rider

Form Tutors:

8A  Miss Smith

8M Mrs Bass

8R  Mr Colligan

8S  Miss Obi

8T  Mrs J Tracey

8J  Ms McNicholas


Fundraising is at the heart of our FCJ Value of Companionship, taking time to raise funds for those in need.  Each form has a dedicated half term to raise funds.  Their efforts are led by the Events Coordinator, but everyone is expected to support the fundraising in some way.  The forms have the opportunity to choose from local, national and international causes.  Half term 4 is always in aid of Nugent Care, in line with other Catholic schools during the time of Lent.  This year, due to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, we are intending to share the money raised between Nugent Care and the Ukraine appeal.


Pupil of the Month / Term

Form Teachers will give goodie bags and certificates to a pupil in their form (3 for the Term Award) who has demonstrated one or more of the FCJ Values in an outstanding fashion.  These are celebrated in a dedicated assembly, along with other subject awards. 


We recognise the efforts of those pupils who strive for 100% attendance.  On a weekly basis, we announce the winning form for the previous week’s attendance; that will receive a certificate for the notice board and a treat.