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The theme in Year 9 is ‘Adventure is out there’

Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year and Form Tutors

Head of Year Miss McCourt

Assistant Head of Year Mr Ealey

Form Tutors:

9A  Miss McGinn

9M  Mr Carney

9R  Mr McBurney

9S  Mrs Winstanley

9T  Ms Marquez

9J  Mrs Maddox

Our theme for the year is “Adventure is out there”. When going on an adventure you need the correct equipment, sustenance, guidance and knowledge; we’re looking at how each of these aspect links to daily school life and encouraging each student to look at each of these aspects and ensure they are prepared for each school day. 


Our Bible verse for the year is:  

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9) 



On an adventure you’d need each of the following pieces of equipment, let’s see how they link to school: 

Backpack: this is like your school bag, containing all your essentials 

Multi-tool: this is like your pencil case, containing all the tools for each lesson 

Binoculars: these are like your glasses or overlays, if you’re someone who needs these 

A tent: this is like your learning environment, make sure you are engaging properly in class, using lesson time effectively and finding a good place to do your homework. 

Boots: these are like your uniform and PE kit, make sure you have these correct for each day. 



On an adventure you’d need each of the following items for sustenance, let’s see how they link to school: 

Food: you need to provide your body with the right nutrition for it to perform at its best, make sure you’re eating a healthy diet. 

Drinks: your body needs fluids to operate properly, make sure you are drinking water and healthy drinks – specifically NOT energy drinks, these are terrible for your health. 

Suncream: taking care of your skin when outdoors is important, and taking care of yourself is important too, make sure you take some time for self-care. 

First Aid Kit: this helps you with any injuries on your adventure, make sure you’re seeking the best support systems to help you on your way. 



On an adventure you’d need each of the following items of guidance, let’s see how they link to school: 

Transport: you may use transport during your adventure, this is like the school bus, public bus or however you get to school each day. Make sure you have your bus pass or money and that you leave in plenty of time to get to school on time. 

Map: this is like your timetable, telling you where you need to go throughout each day, make sure you have a copy of this in your journal! 

Compass: this helps you know which way is right and wrong, just lik eyour journal which tells you the school rules and guides you in what is right and wrong. 

Guide: on an adventure you often have someone guiding you, this is like your teacher for each lesson who guides you in your learning. 



There are two parts to knowledge for an adventure, let’s see how they link to school: 

Preparation: before you go on an adventure you need to prepare properly, this is like your revision, make sure you are preparing for lessons and assessments properly. Revision should be ongoing not just the few days before assessments. 

Experience: when you go on an adventure you gain experience which helps you make informed decisions in the future, this is like your learning which will help you make the best decisions for your future. 


Charity rota 

  1. HT1 – 9T AM (Cake sales) 

  1. HT2 – 9J VM 

  1. HT3 – 9R AMB 

  1. HT4 – 9M PC (Easter egg hunt) 

  1. HT5 – 9A EMG 

  1. HT6 – 9S GW 


Weekly Routines, including Assembly

Mon: Journal & equipment check 

Tues: Attendance & behaviour focus 

Weds: Assembly - MMH 

Thurs: Drop Everything And Read 

Fri: Fun-Friday (& Puzzle of the Week) 


Notice board 

Our year group notice board is found near St Patrick’s door and is kept up-to-date with notices and other essential information, including details of clubs, form attendance and seasonal events. Each form has a notice board in their form room also. 



This will be a key focus throughout the year and we will have reward lunches and prizes for pupils with excellent attendance and for our most resilient attenders. 

Other Rewards 

  • Pupil of the month certificates and prizes 

  • Pupils of the term certificates and prizes 

  • Excellent / Resilient attendance draw 


Assembly rota 

  1. 9A – 6th March, World Book Day 

  1. 9M – 5th June, Design Week 

  1. 9R – 8th November, Remembrance 

  1. 9S – 21st February, Valentines 

  1. 9T – 20th March, Cultural Diversity 

  1. 9J – 24th April, Gentleness 


Yr 9 Pathways

Spring term is a very important term for all Yr 9 students as they begin their journey in selecting the subjects that they will go to study in Yr 10 & 11 for GCSE’s. The whole process is called ‘Pathways’. During their PSHEE lessons the pupils will start to understand what choices they have and what each subject may entail. The group will also have the opportunity to attend a ‘Women in Business’ workshop, whereby they can ask questions of successful female role models who have a background in some non-traditional female sectors.