Sixth Form Enrichment
What is Enrichment?
Sixth Form Enrichment is a compulsory course for all Sixth Formers at Bellerive. It is designed to go beyond the realms of the examined curriculum to stimulate students' interests, in both an academic and practical sense.
Why do we do it?
We believe that it is vital we help students develop into well-rounded, socially and morally responsible young adults, who are comfortable taking on leadership responsibilities.
When will we do it?
Every Monday morning is dedicated to Enrichment Activities and students will work in groups. All groups will have a half termly focus and an outcome to be achieved at the end of each half term. Enrichment groups will take place every Monday morning P1 and P2.
All activities will give students the opportunity to work as a team, problem solve, practise research skills, practise public speaking and work with the public or lower year groups.
Level 3 Core Maths
This qualification will earn you 20 UCAS points. It is to aid students studying A Levels with some numeric content and to keep their mathematical knowledge up to date.
Career InvestigatorsStudents will investigate growth areas based on labour market information pertaining to the Merseyside area.
FCJ Community Work
Students will attend the FCJ house at 8:45-11am. They will work with Sr Maryanne and Sr Lynne and make up food parcels and deliver them in the local community.
PE Extra Curricular Leaders
Students will use Monday morning to plan and prepare coaching sessions for PE extra-curricular clubs. Students will deliver the sessions in a lunch time club.
PE Technicians
Work during enrichment time in the PE Department as directed by PE Staff.
EAL Support Students
Work with our HLTA supporting lower school students who have English as an additional language.
Sixth Form Newsletter
Students will create a half termly newsletter, celebrating success stories, promoting charities, sharing information, interview staff, promote university courses etc…
Charity Champions
Students will work as a team and research different charities. Students will choose a charity they wish to support and present the idea in sixth form assembly/form notices. Plan fund raising events.
Reading Champions
Work in the library with students in Yr7/8 who require additional support. Listen to KS3 students read.
DT Teaching Assistant
Duties will involve helping students who need one to one support and organising practical resources.
Languages Teaching Assistant/Languages Club
Students will support in KS3 Language lessons. They will also use the time to prepare for extra-curricular languages club.
Student Mentor
Complete a three-week student mentor course. Meet with and support lower school students in a mentoring role.
Assembly Leaders
Students will choose a topic, research it and then plan and deliver an assembly to a year group.